Today begins a new phase of Global Actualised Thinking, this is brought about by specifically targeted frequencies enveloping the planet.
The effects will create Harmonious Integrations with all Souls on board the planet.
This creates a sense of Self Awareness and will activate Knowledge, Power and the ability to SEE their own truth with more clarity.
Truth needs to be seen and felt within the Heart and Mind to initiate change.
The only weapon available to those who seek control, is FEAR!
Removal of this Disempowerment of this, will create rapid global momentum!
Changes are coming! Help is here
There is a light force around the planet that is activating the Global DNA, this will create a Global shift like noting before.
The coding sequences are powerful, so there will be a brief time of time of panic and confusion as they begin to think and feel from a new operating system.
It is an assimilation phase only.

We are all Ancient Souls and Warriors of Peace, Love and Freedom!
We are not puppets!
Time to remember the Warrior that you are!
We came here to Protect the Planet from destruction!
We came here to Free the Planet from an old archaic system of Control!
We are not alone!
Our Ancestors from across the Universe are working with us!
Call Back Your Power, it is yours by Divine Sovereign Right!
I will update as new information comes through, for now I feel the Blogs are the easier system to do this.
From the visions I am seeing and the observing what clients are shifting over past few days, this is all about releasing everything that is blocking our Soul memories and Skills!
So hang in there, we are all in this together!
Reach out if you need a chat!
Much love and respect to you all!